Pics of Connie

Connie Li

a suncat in SF β˜€οΈ 🐈, digital voyeur, coding possum

Hi there! I'm your friendly neighborhood bodega cat who, in between cold brew, coding misadventures, and roaming the streets of SF for delightful ppl and caffeinated shenanigans, enjoys collecting good words, reddit screenshots, and unusual events that usually revolve around whether AI is good, whether AI is bad, and deliberately awkward eye contact. Some statements that feel true about me:

The title of this site is aidagara, the Japanese word for "betweenness", the space that exists between two people. It has no equivalent in English but encapsulates things like vibe, social capital, guanxi, connection, the Bay Area stalwart word relating, the Australian aboriginal notion of "us two". This is something I think about a lot, the way that the Chinese word for "human", δΊΊ (ren), is the image of two people leaning on each other: this idea that the fundamental task of humaning is not one that can be done alone. That I exist in some way because of you.

There are a bunch of things I like thinking about that I've listed below and on other parts of this site, and enjoy exploring via communities like the SF Commons and the magic constellation of scenes all over SF. If anything on there strikes your fancy, feel free to hit me up on the bird app!

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What I Like Thinking About

You can check out what I'm up to now on my Now page πŸ’ͺ

And some of my fav blogs, podcasts, and Books on my Favs page πŸ’•